Personal Leadership


What is Personal Leadership?

I believe that anyone can be a leader: a leader of themselves, of their own lives, of their projects, of their careers, of their communities. Being a leader is not about being a ‘boss’ and giving ‘orders’, it is not about having followers, but about standing tall and strong with our values when it comes to managing effectively what needs to be done so that we find solutions to what keeps us stagnant and so that we make progress in life. 
We are evolutionary creatures. It is against our nature to stay stagnant and squeezed in any ‘box’. As the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus wisely said, ‘Everything flows, nothing stays the same’ (Τα πάντα ρει, μηδέποτε κατά τ' αυτό μένειν), has profound truth in it. Everything keeps changing, whether we realize it and whether we want it to, or not. All our experiences, encounters, successes and failures, everything shapes and re-shapes who we are. It is up to us to take the lead and adjust constructively to all the impending change, to all the challenges that are coming our way. 

It is up to us to decide how we want our lives to be and then act on how we want our world to change for the better. We keep moving – so let us move forward, rather than backward. Let us steer our own ships wherever we please; for we are not here to repeatedly try to squeeze our spirits into identical boxes. We are not here to follow; we are here to lead

We are here to lead ourselves, our lives; we are here to take personal responsibility for a life that will make us feel fulfilled and happy with our choices, attitudes and behaviours. We are here to lead our own careers, so that we define our own success and we manage it such that it enhances our fulfilment and it facilitates our joy, not restrict us and cause us anxiety and stress. We are here to lead our communities, such that we surround ourselves with an environment that is conducive to our happiness. We are here to choose for ourselves what we want – for we have the power to make it happen… to make it our reality.
To this day, I have worked with hundreds of clients who, at some point in their lives, realized that trying to follow society’s unhealthy norms was a waste of their talents and precious time. They realized that despite dedicating years of efforts to fit in a ‘one size fits all’ box, this did not work for them. It could not, as they didn’t fit in it… We are all different, and it is in our diversity that we find an immeasurable wealth of talents and resources. These people’s discomfort grew more and more as time passed and feelings of incompleteness, unfulfillment, sadness, hopelessness, even unworthiness, overwhelmed them. Then they took the brave decision to open up to new possibilities. They took responsibility for themselves and asked for guidance when they needed it. Such bravery is something that I respect and I admire; it is something that gives me hope in humanity: We can still choose to explore a different way of being – one that embraces our diversity, one that empowers us and enables us to create conditions that increase our well-being, our joy, our health and our (self-defined) success on all levels.

We have moved away from the congested meaning of ‘leadership’ that prevailed until the end of the 20th Century. The meaning of a ‘leader’ goes beyond the ‘boss’ or ‘head’ of a company, organization, community, project, even a family. The idea is that 21st century ‘leadership’, widely defined (so that everyone can fit in the definition, as leadership concerns us all!), is about the values, attributes and competences that a person brings into any situation whilst effectively managing themselves.  Anyone and everyone can be a leader of themselves in any role they undertake. Anyone and everyone can lead a positive change in their community, can lead a successful project, can lead a rewarding career, can lead a fulfilling life... 

Personal Leadership Coaching - Lead Your Life

  • Do you feel disappointed with life or with yourself?
  • Do you feel tired of repetitive patterns in your life that lead you nowhere?
  • Do you feel demotivated? Overlooked? Even worthless, at times?
  • Do you catch yourself feeling empty? That there is no meaning to your life and no joy in it?
  • Do you want to become a leader of yourself, a leader in your life and feel self-confident and competent to succeed in anything you embark on?
  • Do you yearn for a feeling of fulfilment and pride in who you are?
A true leader isn’t necessarily someone who leads others; rather, a leader is someone who effectively leads themselves in any situation, setting or context. It is someone who is content or happy with themselves, i.e. who is happy with how they think, how they act, how they behave… how and who they are.

Throughout my experience in Life Coaching and Career Coaching, I have worked with many people who, at the core of what they sought, were the values and attributes of a leader. Empowerment and confidence-building benefit anyone who may be going through a personal transition such as divorce, anyone who’s trying to establish themselves in a new job, anyone who’s trying to ‘find themselves’ or find a meaningful career, practice or cause to dedicate themselves/their energy/their time to. The search for meaning continues, as it has throughout humanity’s existence; it is part of human nature. The quest for the meaning in each individual’s life can only be led by this individual and no one else.

In this sense, you can be the leader of yourself –for no one else can! I invite you to join me on a journey of self-discovery that will yield peace within you, with who you are as a person. It is a journey that takes courage, yet the rewards are multifold and a true lifetime’s ‘treasure’! What could be more important than your own satisfaction with your very existence? What could have more meaning than your JOY in life? 

YES: You can lead yourself into a better life!

Lead your career

  • Are you looking for a job that corresponds to your skills and competences, that honours your values and that enables you to grow?
  • Are you looking to upgrade your CV/resumé so that it targets your desired job?
  • Do you want to impress with the way you present yourself and to master job interviews?
  • Do you long for a fulfilling career that motivates you to give your best, on a daily basis?
  • Do you want to learn how to manage your career and be able to adjust to the impending changes in your work, not only surviving but thriving?
  • Do you want to wake up and to want to go to work because it gives your life meaning and it fills you with joy?
  • Do you want to lead your career, no matter your background and the position you hold?

Then you are ready for a coaching experience that will empower you and equip you with the tools, knowledge and skills necessary for effective career management! 

Lead your community

  • Are you tired of the status quo in your community/organization/company and are aware of some dysfunctions within it?
  • Do you want to see positive change in your community/organization/company?
  • Are you willing to become your ‘best self’ as an active member of your community/organization/company and add value to community life?
  • Are you ready to take an active role in your community/organization/company that will both empower you as a person and contribute to sustainable positive change for all to enjoy?
As a Coach and as a Trainer, I can help you do just that! We can work together individually (1:1), or I can offer workshops, seminars or training programmes that will facilitate and enable more members of your community, organization or company to take on the responsibility for co-creating sustainable progress within your environment.

Read more on how exactly I can help you lead your community/organization/company:
A leader is someone who takes responsibility for their community, which they see as their team (whether it’s their company, their colleagues at work, their family, their local club, etc.) and has the wisdom to ‘step up’ or ‘step down’ when necessary, aiming for the highest benefit of all equally as their own. A leader is a person who knows what respect, responsibility, humility, integrity, consistency, clarity, courage, self-reflection, self-improvement and wisdom are, and applies these values in practice in their everyday life – in leading themselves first, and then others. 

A true leader is someone who knows how to actively listen to others, to be fair and just, to be professional (i.e. maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships outside family & friends), to empower others and to celebrate their authenticity and individuality. A true leader rewards creativity and innovative thinking, is progressive and updates on new trends in her/his field. A true leader cares and shows this in targeted, effective action. As such, a true leader inspires others and even motivates them to be effective leaders of themselves, too. A true leader IS the change they want to see in the world.
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